Partnerships Program 2001 Proposal
August 28, 2000
Introduction & Background:
In March 2000, as you know, I was selected as Assistant Regional Director for Partnerships with duties related to:
NCR Fundraising
NCR Messaging Pilot Project
Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Program
Chesapeake Bay Program Coordination
Countryside Stewardship Exchange
Potomac American Heritage River Initiative
During the last 120 days I have had discussions with each of you, other NCR Park and Program Managers, NPS Washington Program Managers, staff and managers from the Philadelphia, PA Support Office and Annapolis, MD office. These discussions indicate that:
h Considerable interest exists in NCR Partnership activities and services. Park and program managers, and non-federal partners, are interested in technical assistance and leadership which meets existing goals and priorities. Opportunities for partnering with parks, private groups, state and local governments, and private foundations and corporations abound.
There is great potential to secure and leverage non-NCR
funds to support partnership activities. Ongoing discussions reveal that we have a good chance to receive new NPS funds to create a RTCA Program; NPS Washington funds to support park partnership activities (i.e. NCR parks map); and EPA funds for Potomac AHR and Countryside Stewardship Exchange work.
h Approximately 3,600 square feet of office space at 1730 K Street, NW has been provided to NPS by the General Services Administration until September 30, 2002. A portion of the space is being made available to the Friends of the Potomac and the remainder is available for our use.
There are no new FTE's for activities. All Partnerships
activities must be carried out with existing positions.
Space within NCR, at 1100 Ohio Drive, SW, is extremely
Partnership activities within NCR often focus more on
the park and/ or program rather than the region or the goals of the agency. The lack of an integrated or systems approach to accomplishing agency or NCR goals reduces the impact of our partnership work.
The level of service we are receiving from NPS offices
in Philadelphia and Annapolis are minimal. NPS funded RTCA projects are not being carried out, Chesapeake Bay Program coordination and communication is non-existent, and previous agreements between NCR and Philadelphia are not being implemented. The fact that these services are not being adequately provided is compounded since Philadelphia and Annapolis receive funds from NPS Washington to provide NCR services and this region has loaned Philadelphia 3.5 FTE's for these activities.
Draft Alternatives for Action:
There appear to be a number of ways to respond to the points noted above. The following suggestions are provided for your comment and consideration.
Consolidate all existing Partnership positions and activity within NCR.
NCR is presently providing Philadelphia with 3.5 positions. These include 1.5 positions from NCR to the Chesapeake Bay Program Office and 2.0 positions, one from C&O and one from National Capital Parks East, for RTCA Program work. One alternative for NCR is to return these positions to this region.
I have re-affirmed the commitment of C & O and National Capital Parks East to their partnership positions. There is a desire by the Superintendents to continue to maintain these FTE commitments. According to Sam Stokes of NPS headquarters we should be able to secure funds for 2-3 persons from Washington's RTCA Program (one Program Leader position has been approved already). In addition, anticipated funds from EPA, and others, will enable us to have adequate funds for positions not covered by RTCA monies.
Staff currently assigned to work on NCR RTCA Program activities will soon be taking other assignments. Don Briggs was recently selected as Superintendent for the PHNST, and Ursula Lemanski and Wink Hastings have decided to work for the Philadelphia Support Office rather than continue NCR RTCA work. Philadelphia, which does not have an FTE problem, intends to move Wink and Ursula into PHSO positions as soon as possible.
Returning these positions to NCR, and maintaining this commitment to Partnerships, will enable this office to improve coordination with Philadelphia, provide services to park and program managers, partner with State, local and private sector interests, and secure non-NCR funds to conduct these activities.
In order to implement this proposal NCR should:
Action 1: Assume responsibility, positions and money for RTCA Program activities within NCR--defined as the Potomac River watershed.
Arrange for NCR RTCA positions to be
returned from Philadelphia. Meet with Marie Rust to discuss NCR Partnership activities and positions.
b. Notify Kate Stevenson of NPS Washington of our interest to formally create a minimum RTCA Program with a commitment of the positions to do so.
Begin action to recruit, from inside or outside NCR/
NPS a Program Leader for RTCA. Locate at 1730 K Street, NW.
d. Recruit other staff as funds are approved.
Action 2: Discuss the status of NPS Chesapeake Bay Program
activities to increase communication and coordination between Annapolis and NCR, and work to establish permanent positions for that office.
a. Meet with Marie Rust to discuss NCR Partnership activities and Chesapeake Bay coordination, communication and positions.
b. Meet with PHSO and Annapolis staff and managers to develop a NPS Chesapeake Bay Program work plan for FY 2001. Include a strategy to help PHSO establish a permanent office with staff and funding. Once this is accomplished, these positions and funds can be returned to NCR.
Action 3: Initiate the Countryside Stewardship Exchange contingent on securing outside funds (i.e. EPA, Glynwood Center, and foundations).
Once funds are secured, hire temporary staff (i.e. one
or two years appointments) to carryout work.
Action 4: Seek a temporary staff person to assist with NCR fundraising and messaging activities.
a. Seek an existing NPS employee to serve a 4-6 month detail. Once approval is secured recruit for position and locate at 1730 K. Street, NW.
Action 5. Seek part-time student volunteers, fellows and retirees to assist with partnership activities.
Explore existing NCR student assistance programs. Recruit and secure students.
b. Investigate retiree programs. Seek funds and recruit.
jge 8/28/2000
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