The Friends of U.S. Park Police
Horse Mounted Patrol Unit Fund
January 25, 2006
Visitors to the Greater Washington National Parks are likely to see officers from the U.S. Park Police providing important safety, security and visitor services to residents and travelers. In certain areas and on special occasions park visitors will see the officers and horses of the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit.
The Horse Mounted Patrol Unit, created in 1934, is one of the oldest police equestrian units in the United States. These officers and horses play an important role in providing visitor services, policing special open spaces, picnic areas, and ball and playing fields. The unit is a high visible deterrent to crime and plays an important role in managing crowds during peaceful and violent civic functions. Whether participating in a special event or providing a regular public service the Horse Mounted Patrol Unit is an important community relations asset to the National Park Service (NPS) and the U.S. Park Police.
The Friends of the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit Fund is designed to ensure that the U.S. Park Police and the National Parks in the National Capital Region are more prominent and relevant to the diverse communities they serve and to supplement funds appropriated by Congress. The goal and objectives of this effort are:
Goal: To show the important and unique service that the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit provides to the public and describe ways that the public can assist with the care of the horses.
· To explain to the public who are and what the U.S. Park Police
· To raise public awareness about the history, responsibilities
and importance of U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit to the National Parks, the District and the public.
· To explain to the public the intense training U.S. Park Police
Horse Mounted Patrol Unit officers and horses go through.
· To provide opportunities for the public and private
corporations to learn more about the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit, participate in special roundtable discussions and events, and contribute to the care and training of the horses.
· To provide the public with information on how they can assist
the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit with purchasing, transporting or caring for horses, re-building and building barns, purchasing saddles and equipment, and other unit needs.
The Friends of the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit Fund is to be established as a fund under the Charter of the Greater Washington National Parks Fund which was created in May 2001. The Fund is managed by the National Park Foundation, the Congressionally chartered, non-profit partner of the National Park Service and is to be governed by a Council of U.S. Park Police leaders (to be formed by the U.S. Park Police) and assisted by a Friends group (to be created by private sector leaders—in cooperation with U.S. Park Police, as a 501(c) 3 organization).
The Friends of the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit Fund includes:
· An account, managed by the National Park Foundation that can be
used to accept donations from the private sector. The Fund would create a source of dollars that would supplement the appropriated funds and enable the Park Police to sustain the mounted police, care for the horses and provide education opportunities for the public. The fund is modeled after the Cherry Tree Fund.
· Periodic roundtable discussions with experts, community leaders
and government officials on officer and horse training, and other related topics.
· Periodic events to illustrate officer and horse training
· Website information for the public on the U.S. Park Police
Horse Mounted Patrol Unit Fund. Information will be displayed on the Greater Washington National Parks Fund website. The website will enable people and companies to find out more about the Horse Mounted Patrol Unit and ways to assist them.
Ways to Help the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit
The U.S. Park Police and Greater Washington National Parks Fund leaders identified high priority needs for the unit and the care, training, public education and awareness of the horses. Ways that people and private sector organizations can help include:
· Visit a park, learn more about the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit, and enjoy the experience.
· Volunteer some of your time to care for the unit’s horses.
· Sponsor the purchase, transport or care of a unit horse.
· Find out how to support the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit.
· Sponsor the production of an education video on the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit.
· Learn more about the Volunteer Network of Horse Trainers.
· Join the Friends of the US Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit.
For Further Information
J. Glenn Eugster, Assistant Regional Director,
Partnerships Office
National Park Service, National Capital Region
1100 Ohio Drive, SW, Room 350
Washington, DC 20242
(202)619-7492 phone; (202)619-7220 fax
E-mail: glenn_eugster@nps.gov
Paul Padberg, and/or, Barbara Blendy, Volunteer Coordinators
U.S. Park Police Training Center at Edgewater Stables
Horse Mounted Patrol Unit
1100 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington, DC 20242
(202)426-7401 phone
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